Major GUILLERMO SABINO POSADAS, was born in Buenos Aires in 1945.
Enters the Air force NCO Training School in February of 1964, graduating in December of 1967 as Aircraft Mechanic.
In 1968 he is granted a scholarship to make a course of helicopters in 'Inter-American Air Force Academy' in Panama Channel
Zone (Albrook Air Force Base).
Later he was destined in the Grupo Tecnico 1 (Maintenance Battalion 1), in the I Brigada Aerea (I Aerial Brigade), simultaneously
integrating the crews of helicopters of Grupo 1 de Ataque (Group 1 of Attack).
By the end of 1968 this Group is transferred to the VII Brigada Aerea (VII Aerial Brigade) reason why he continued its
activity in Grupo Tecnico 7 (Maintenance Battalion 7).
He made numerous courses of different types of helicopters, engines and materials and equipment, in the country and abroad.
By his studies it acquires the specialties of:
Flight Engineer.
Technician in jet engines and turboshafts.
Technician Specialist in Helicopters.
In addition to his technical task and crew member of helicopters, was professor of the Material and Equipments, Flight
engineer and Motors, in Grupo Tecnico 7 (Maintenance Battalion 7), like in Grupo Aereo 7 (Air Battalion 7).
He participated in 5 Antarctic Campaigns between years 1969 and 1992, like crew member of helicopters and Chief of Technical
In 1975 was member of the crew who flight the helicopter Sikorsky S61R12 (call sign H-72), from Stratford-Connecticut
(USA) to VII Brigada Aerea (VII Aerial Brigade) in Morón (Arg.).
In 1976 he is designated in charge of the Helicopters System Sikorsky
In 1977 he entered the Military Aviation School, to make the Officer course.
In 1978 with the degree of Lieutenant he is destined to the VIII Brigada Aerea (VIII Aerial Brigade).
With destiny in Grupo Tecnico 8 (Maintenance Battalion 8), in September of 1978 he is designated to make a course of the
Dagger fighter-bomber airplane in the State of Israel.
In December 1978 he deploy, in regard to the conflict with Chile, to the Area of Material River IV, like Head of Maintenance
of recently formed 'Dagger Squadron'.
In 1979 he continues serving like Head of Maintenance of the Dagger Squadron like unit lodged in the Area of Material
River IV, until August where the Squadron move to Tandil Military Aerial Base and is designated Head of Electronics and Armament.
When Aerial Base change to VI Brigada Aerea (VI Aerial Brigade by the end 1979), he holds the position of Electronic and
Armament Squadron Commander in Grupo Tecnico 6 (Maintenance Battalion 6).
In the middle of 1979 he is transferred to Israel to make the course of Electronic Equipment of Armament Test of Dagger
In 1980 he is commissioned again to the State of Israel like Representative of the Air Force in the Israeli Aircraft Industries
in order to receive a new series of Dagger airplanes.
To his return he is destined once again in Grupo Tecnico 6 (Maintenance Battalion 6), with the position of Reparation
and Major Inspection Squadron Commander.
In 1982, during the conflict of the South Atlantic (Malvinas/Falklands), was the Head of Maintenance of II Airmobile
Dagger Squadron, with seat in the locality of San Julian, Prov. of Santa Cruz.
In 1984 he makes in the School of Intelligence of the Air Force, the course of Technical Intelligence Officer.
In 1986, with the rank of Captain, is moved to the Argentine Air Force Head Quarter (AAFHQ) to the Direccion de Mantenimiento
(Maintenance Direction), being arrived to hold the position of Aviation Material I Division Commander.
He coursed and approve different courses in the Argentine Air War College to be promoted to Chief Officer.
With the rank of Major, in 1990 he is destined to the Direccion de Abastecimiento del EMGFAA (Supply Direction of the
AAFHQ), like Material Division Commander and later like Director 'Acc'
In 1991 he requests his move to VII Brigada Aerea (VII Aerial Brigade), is destined to Grupo Tecnico 7 (Maintenance Battalion
7), having the position of Inspection and Maintenance Squadron Commander and Technical Group commander 'Acc'.
Decorations and Distinctions:
Year 1968 receives the Silver Eagle, by approved, being the second in merit order, the Course of Helicopters in the of
the Inter-American Air Force Academy, Albrook AFB (USAF).
Year 1983 granted the Antarctic 2nd Class Distinction to have flown more than 350 hours in the Antarctic Continent.
Year 1985 receives the Malvinas (Falklands) Distinction granted by the AAF to have participated in Malvinas (Falklands)
Aerial Battle.
Year 1990, is decorated with the Medal granted by the National Congress to the Combatants, by its participation in the
armed warfare by the recovery of the Malvinas (Falklands) Islands.
In August 1994 by his request pass to retirement situation.
Other activities:
Author/coauthor of several books about the Falklands conflict and others subjets:
In 1991 'Malvinas (Falklands), They also fought'.
In 2004 'Dagger and Finger in Argentina 1978-2004'
In 2005 'Pucará 30 years in service 1975-2005'
In 2007 'Gloster Meteor FMK IV en la Fuerza Aerea Argentina'
In 2008 'Grumman OV-1D Mohawk en el Ejército Argentino'
Staff member of Editorial Avialatina (Aviación Militar Latinoamericana)
He has published articles about the Argentina Air Force and air battle for Malvinas in aeronautical magazines issues in
He has given lectures about 'The Air Battle of Malvinas (Falklands)' and Aeronautical subjets in Argentina and Poland.
Honorary member Rotary Club of Zarate
Airplane Pilot
Aeronautical Technician
Aeronautical Mechanic of Maintenance of Airplanes
Registered in the Professional Council of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (Mat. 1730).
Medical Rep (Mat. 3378)
In 1993 he begins his studies on Managment and Marketing, making courses in different Universities and Institutes for
professional formation in the country and abroad
Course Rep Medical Products - CONET - La Plata University (1994)
Post Degree in Marketing - Catholic University Argentina (2003)
Masters in Marketing and Businesses (Merck) - Austral University (2004)
From 2005 he is living in Warsaw, Republic of Poland
